Window Cleaning
Window Cleaning includes brushing dust off screens and cleaning every window pane, including skylights, using professional methods and equipment at the leading edge of industry standards. At a customer’s request, special tools can be used to remove paint splatter, tree sap, and other common blemishes that are not cleaned off with the conventional methods.
The Methods For Cleaning Windows
Most people are familiar with the classic mop and squeegee that professionals are seen cleaning windows with throughout the decades. This method is undisputedly the best way to clean the interior of windows. Mops soak the glass with cleaning solution, picking up dust and breaking down grease, then squeegees wipe the mess away leaving window panes crystal clear. This method works just as well on the outside of the windows too. Another method that is as effective, and in some cases does an even better job of cleaning the exterior of windows, is using an ionized filter with a water-fed pole. Water-fed poles can be extended up to 35 feet to reach windows three stories high! The water running through them passes through a filter that binds minerals and impurities in the tap water and ends up cleaning and rinsing windows with water that is near surgical grade purity! This means both the window glass and frame get thoroughly rinsed and scrubbed with purified water that then dries completely invisible. There is no calcium left in the water to leave hard white streaks or deposits like those seen on the shower door. Peakwalker is equipped to provide either or both of these methods according to the needs of the situation. Brighten up the inside of any property and gaze out the windows unimpaired by smears, smudges, and dust.
Peakwalker was selected by Redfin as a top window cleaning expert in the area. See the article Peakwalker is featured in: How To Clean Windows Without Smears: Expert Edition
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